Nightbreed Digital

The Nightbreed Demon Head. oooh scary!
With the way that society is changing and the way that society consumes music, it has become apparent that the old CD releasing system is no longer working. CD sales are at an all time low and are falling. None of this is new news to you all reading this as you have probably read this kind of stuff in a thousand tabloids.
However, to be realistic about the changing nature of both society and the Gothic scene, as an organisation, you have to think long and hard about why you do what you do and why. Not to mention working out if you can gamble on releasing another cd with the way things are. In short, the solution we have come to is to release digitally only from now on (unless there is a massive change in music consumption, which I doubt). So below are a short list of the releases on Nightbreed Digital, expect the list to grow and grow
Midnight Configuration- "Demons Are.... Volume 2"

Demons Are...
Album.Buy it HERE

The Black Train EP + link to download "The Black Train"
Death Party UK- "The Black Train EP"
buy it HERE
buy it HERE
Arcane Winter. Cold Europe

Debut mini album from Arcane Winter. Download link:
Buy it HERE
Buy it HERE
Death Party UK. The Red On Black EP

Lupine. The Deadly Hollows

Lupine The Deadly Hollows download link: Buy it HERE
Arcane Winter. Radiate

Death Party UK. The Last Ride

Arcane Winter. Debut mini album Welcome To Winter. Buy it digitally HERE or buy a limited edition physical copy HERE.

Arcane Winter. The Mirror Cracked Digital single. Buy it HERE

Arcane Winter. Thirteen. Digital single. Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Skintight. Digital single Buy it HERE

Death Party UK-The Devil's Music. Digital single.Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Hellfire Rock'n'Roll Volume One. Mini album compendium of digital singles, exclusive tracks, bonus tracks and remixes. Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Hellfire Rock'n'Roll (Single)- Digital Single.Buy it HERE

Arcane Winter Mini album.Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Shadows. Digital Single.Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Catwoman. Digital Single. Buy it HERE

Death Party UK- Hellfire Rock'n'Roll Volume 2. Buy it Digitally HERE or limited edion physically HERE